Solar Calendar Of Egyptian Civilization 2024

The Math Hatter Chronicle 10 LYCÉE MAGAZINE
The Math Hatter Chronicle 10 LYCÉE MAGAZINE from

The Egyptian Civilization and its Solar Calendar

The Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest and most fascinating civilizations in the world. It was known for its advanced knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, and engineering. One of the most remarkable achievements of the ancient Egyptians is their solar calendar, which is still used in some parts of the world today. The solar calendar of the ancient Egyptians was based on the movement of the sun, and it was used to determine the seasons, the agricultural cycle, and the timing of religious ceremonies.

What is a Solar Calendar?

A solar calendar is a calendar that is based on the movement of the sun. It is also known as a tropical calendar. The solar calendar is based on the time it takes for the Earth to complete one orbit around the sun, which is approximately 365.24 days. The solar calendar is used to determine the length of a year, the timing of the seasons, and the timing of religious and cultural events.

How did the Ancient Egyptians Create their Solar Calendar?

The ancient Egyptians were known for their advanced knowledge in astronomy. They observed the movement of the sun and the stars and used this knowledge to create their solar calendar. The ancient Egyptians divided the year into three seasons, each consisting of four months. The first season was Akhet, which means inundation, and it was the time of the year when the Nile River flooded. The second season was Peret, which means emergence, and it was the time of the year when the crops were planted. The third season was Shemu, which means harvest, and it was the time of the year when the crops were harvested.

What is the Importance of the Egyptian Solar Calendar Today?

The Egyptian solar calendar is still used today in some parts of the world, particularly in rural areas where agriculture is the main source of livelihood. The calendar is used to determine the timing of planting and harvesting crops, as well as the timing of religious and cultural events. The Egyptian solar calendar is a testament to the ingenuity and advanced knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of astronomy and mathematics in our lives.

How is the Egyptian Solar Calendar Different from the Gregorian Calendar?

The Egyptian solar calendar is different from the Gregorian calendar in several ways. Firstly, the Egyptian solar calendar is based on the movement of the sun, while the Gregorian calendar is based on the movement of the Earth around the sun. Secondly, the Egyptian solar calendar has 365 days divided into 12 months, while the Gregorian calendar has 365 or 366 days divided into 12 months. Finally, the Egyptian solar calendar does not have a leap year, while the Gregorian calendar has a leap year every four years.


The solar calendar of the ancient Egyptians is a remarkable achievement of human civilization. It is a testament to the advanced knowledge of the ancient Egyptians in astronomy, mathematics, and engineering. The Egyptian solar calendar is still used today in some parts of the world, particularly in rural areas where agriculture is the main source of livelihood. The calendar serves as a reminder of the importance of astronomy and mathematics in our lives and the importance of preserving the knowledge and achievements of our ancestors.

Question and Answer

Q: What is a solar calendar?

A: A solar calendar is a calendar that is based on the movement of the sun. It is used to determine the length of a year, the timing of the seasons, and the timing of religious and cultural events.

Q: How did the ancient Egyptians create their solar calendar?

A: The ancient Egyptians observed the movement of the sun and the stars and used this knowledge to create their solar calendar. They divided the year into three seasons, each consisting of four months.

Q: What is the importance of the Egyptian solar calendar today?

A: The Egyptian solar calendar is still used today in some parts of the world, particularly in rural areas where agriculture is the main source of livelihood. It is used to determine the timing of planting and harvesting crops, as well as the timing of religious and cultural events.

Q: How is the Egyptian solar calendar different from the Gregorian calendar?

A: The Egyptian solar calendar is based on the movement of the sun, while the Gregorian calendar is based on the movement of the Earth around the sun. The Egyptian solar calendar has 365 days divided into 12 months, while the Gregorian calendar has 365 or 366 days divided into 12 months. Finally, the Egyptian solar calendar does not have a leap year, while the Gregorian calendar has a leap year every four years.

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